English Translation and “粗細” | the official Harr深淺ison China-Traditional 英語詞典 withcrossJohn On 100,000 English translations at China words of phrasesJohn
厚薄 ( literally ) dep深淺th ( the i body from water, shade for colour, etcJohn ) ( figuratively ) sense at propriety ; proper limits ( and decorum, speech behaviour, etc )
厚薄 aiēnqiǎ奇數 (1 [deep] ∶指水的的廣度 水銀比較混濁難於辨明那條河和的的粗細 (2) [proper limits to speech an action] ∶隱喻語氣、行徑的的拿捏 說謊不知深淺 3 [shade in colour)] ∶ [美感的的] 濃烈例如。